Take the best scenes and turn it into a tolerable short film
10 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Central Airport THF" or "Zentralflughafen THF" is a new 100-minute movie released in 2018 and this was directed by experienced filmmaker Karim Aïnouz (from Brazil despite the name). This is a movie about Berlin, to be more specific about Tempelhof airport that closed its gates and traffic down back in 2008, a decade ago. So it is a look back at another former airport with all the airport chaos going on about the new airport here in the German capital. So what's going on in Tempelhof. Well.. the place is primarily used as a refugee shelter these days, so communication between foreigners that flew from another country and German officials are frequently at the core of this documentary film we got here. Of course, there is more close to it, but also completely different aspects that have nothing to do with the politically relevant aspect here that has been a subject for a long time here in Germany. But it does not really discuss this subject. It just depicts the state of things. This means also very random recordings of officers patroling the area and telling passengers for example that they have to take their dogs on a leash. Everything that happens there, but mostly stuff that is really only interesting or relevant to the people working the area, living nearby or even those shown in the movie. Even I as a longtime Berlin citizen must say that this is not a particularly good watch even if you have a special connection to this metropolis. Like I said in the title, if you cut out the most crucial moments and turn them into a film of 20-25 minutes, then you have something that is okay to watch, but never makes an impact from any perspective or about any subject or person by any means either. But as a full feature film of 4 times the running time, it is a disappointment, far too long and insignificant from start to finish, with way too much filler material and far too many people instead of focusing on some that actually have something interesting to say. I cannot by any means recommend it, it drags far too much and has too many lengths. I don't think a movie or documentary always has to tell an interesting story, but if it doesn't it has to deliver excitement and tension in other fields, stuff that at best will have your eyes glued to the screen, but at least if it doesn't won't have you feel nothing. This one has exactly that. Skip the watch.
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