It's not a rom-com; it's therapy-by-filmmaking.
10 July 2018
Neurotic, insecure, redheaded men are rarely amusing to watch, which is why I generally avoid Woody Allen films. I now know to also avoid Brian Klugman films.

Klugman, as writer/director/neurotic-insecure-redheaded-star-of-film-about-self is apparently Woody Allen 2.0, right down to his inclusion of a plethora of A-list cameos from celebrity friends joining in for the hell of it.

There are some interesting ideas here, and one or two mildly amusing scenes, but by and large this film is masturbation and self-absorbed public flagellation with a semi-decent budget.

Although never downright depressing, this is far from a feel-good film, and the bittersweet ending is way more bitter than sweet. Avoid if you need cheering up. It's not a rom-com; it's therapy-by-filmmaking.
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