Party Mom (2018 TV Movie)
Had Potential But Very Disappointing
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie would be about the slow downfall of the "Party Mom", but instead they didn't develop her character at all and never explained why she became the way she was and rushed right to it.. They pretty much just jumped right into her having a party where some kid almost drowns and then right to the next party where 3 people die in a drunken driving incident after leaving. Then a quickie trial where she's found not guilty, then the murder of her daughter as retribution and her attack on the guy's wife she thought did it. What a complete mess. The premise was interesting and if they just focused on her gradual dissent into alcoholism with it all coming apart at the end when her irresponsible actions result in a single tragic ending, much like the wonderful 1974 TV movie "The Morning After" with Dick Van Dyke, it could have been a very good film. But alas, I forgot that this was a Lifetime movie where clichés abound, the focus is on sensational shock value, and the endings are almost always nonsensical.
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