Gin & Dry (2010)
interesting and intriguing story with good visuals and brilliant emotional elements
6 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers

I liked Gin & Dry because it gives all people an insight into what is going on in other people's lives such as the lives of the characters in Gin & Dry and helps us to empathise with them. We follow the main protagonist, Albie and his wife in this short film.

Initially, we are shown that Ranjeet is an issue for Albie and it appears that he is dislikable but as the story develops we find out that all the people in the home, bar the helpers, are fed up with the alcohol shortage. At first, I felt sympathetic for the helpers because they are trying to help and are getting no thanks for it but as the story develops and with Albie's speech to Adam we see the pain and trouble that the people in the home have to endure and this shows that in fact Adam was in the wrong and he was trying to treat the people like they were children who should be disciplined when in fact they were retired and had fought for their freedom in the war and deserved to be treated well and not rationed or disciplined in their later life.

I liked the music that was a repeated ongoing song that helped the emotional through line of Albie's wife, Dee, as well as keep the film flowing along smoothly. It helped the corridor pushing and shoving scene because it added another layer to the scene where the music was jolly which should reflect on the scene because it was Christmas Eve however it didn't which amplifies the sadness of it all.

The film helps Albie's character develop by showing that he wasn't as ruthless as the other people. He shows his kindness by handing out the alcohol rations as presents to everyone else and then helps Adam by explaining what happened and why he was doing the wrong thing. This helps put the audience's views of Adam at ease because we see that he learnt his lesson and will now respect older people because of their great achievements and they still have lives beyond retirement. This is a message to all people of younger generations to say that you should respect the older generation because they didn't have it so easy.

The film ends with the realization that Dee was never there and was a figment of Albie's imagination. This is a sad truth but it does reflect on what he said to Adam because it shows Albie's loss and this amplifies what he said. It shows that Albie has experienced loss and deserves to have the best life he can until it isn't possible.

This film was really nice and also interesting because it had a nice and funny storyline but also had layers of deeper meaning and morals to the story that you infer and they are intriguing. It feels like a very deep and meaningful ending because it ends in the same way it starts with the same conversation between Albie and Dee although this time it shows that Dee is gone which helps close the film by taking us on a journey right back to where we started and then lets the journey fade away. One thing that could help more of an understanding for the story would be more dialogue from the other retired people to help us see their emotions about what was going on at the home.
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