The Chalet (2017–2018)
Rather confusing, but okay entertainment.
2 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It was pretty good - for me, not being able to keep track of all the characters made the 'mystery' a little better. If I'd re-watched the first two episodes and made notes about who was who, the signs would have been very obvious and I would have known everything from episode 3 onward. As it was, I figured out about half of it anyway without really trying too hard. I'm still not sure who got pulled behind the jeep early on, and they never explained what scared the one character enough to make them back up in horror (with random results.)

I did skim through the beginning scenes again after finishing the show and figured out who was under the bridge, but not how he got there or how the explosion was triggered at exactly the right time. Several times some people did some really stupid things, but I can believe they were just so shocked they were in denial I guess. But really, who decides to take a long walk alone at night when there is a psycho killer around? A larger percentage of the population than I would have guessed apparently. The plan for killing all those people seemed rather haphazard, very much depending on the right person to be in the right place at the right time. If the wrong people had grouped together at any point it would have spoiled the whole plan.

The only characters I ended up liking were some of the innocent side characters. In the end I felt sorry for most of them, they just happened to get in the way of a bunch of messed up people. But I managed to switch off my brain most of the time, the acting was good and the scenery was nice, so it was entertaining enough.
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