28 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Look at that Boris Vallejo poster! Between that and Persis Khambatta (Megaforce), this seemed like one of those movies I had to see. Even better, it's alternate title, Phoenix the Warrior, is awesome!

Starring Kathleen Kinmont as Phoenix (she's also Kelly Meeker in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers) and Khambatta as the evil Cobalt, this film is all about a pregnant woman who gives birth to one of the few men on earth. There's also a Reverend Mother who is in control of all the sperm and has a religious hold over all of the women.

Oh yeah - there are also the Rezules, who worship television. How awesome would it be that if instead of zombies, they were dressed up like characters from famous TV shows? Archie Bunker ruling the Badlands of the end times? This movie could have made that happen.

When I was a kid, I wrote a comic book called Cola War (get it, Cold War?) where there was no water so everyone only consumed soda and religiously followed the soda that they drank. It was a great idea until someone explained to me that to create soda, you needed water. None of that logical thinking was applied to this movie.

That's one of the downsides to watching so many movies. You get yourself excited and then, the chase is, as Lemmy taught us all, often so much better than the catch.

For a film packed with naked women and lesbian religious gangs, you kind of wish that it was a lot more entertaining. Well, you can't get everything, I guess.
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