if i could put -1 stars i would
19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is down right crusty. actors: horrible. plot: predictable. script: could've been written by my 2 year old blind cousin w no fingers. noah & elle are horrible heights for eachother. idk who was the hair stylist for this movie but they need a firm slap on the wrist. the trampoline scene???? really??? who thought that looked good??? lee wasted a perfectly good ice cream cone. also idk what alcohol they drinkin but my response to a shot has never been "ooh tastes like pink". which brings me to the OMG girls who need to OMGetTF. cmon isn't the popular pretty girls obsessing over the high school hottie a little played out. & the poor actress playing the girl w headgear. i mean her role in the movie is literally "girl w headgear" was the headgear REALLY necessary. how many people do u see walkin around w headgear it's 2018. homegirls got basically a warning for showing up to school in essentially a plaid loin cloth & anyone who's actually been to a high school knows dress code is much more serious. AND when noah is fixing her face scratch she says "when did u become such a doctor" BIH he just touched ur face w a wet towel !!! doctor??? where yo standards at hoe. and for the amount of times they showed that girl in a bra u would THINK they would at least get her a bra that didn't look like it came from the sale rack at aeropostale. btw if they invited a bunch of high schoolers to a costume party the best they would've gotten was a jock in a baseball jersey not a fully-dressed pirate from the actual pirates of the caribbean set. essentially this whole movie was a pile of hot garbage and i'm concerned for our generation if they sincerely enjoyed this movie and laughed with it instead of at it.
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