Review of The Escape

The Escape (II) (2017)
...more than midlife crisis, when you want a completely new life
19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
..yea, spoilers I guess.. not lots to spoil..

..she's got a husband offering only unemotional sex (unsatisfying for her) .. and wants her to be only a homemaker in addition.. ..she wants more intellectual & personal challenges, and she's very depressed .. (to her, he's uncaring, distant, boorish, and selfish-in-bed) she runs off (on a one-way ticket) to Paris.. ..picks up a guy in a museum ..right off has what looks like satisfying sex with him.. .. then next morning discovers he's married ...she's married.. he's married.. both have kids ..he tells her it's complicated with his wife.. she says get lost

..she's depressed (again).. and guilt-ridden (this time for real) ..while having a mental breakdown out on the street ..she meets an older woman that rescues, mentors, and tells her change completely her life.. try changing it with him (the husband) ...and if that doesn't work.. then change it w/o him (hint)

..hubby goes to meet her.. they hug w/o saying a word.. ..look on her face says.. I'm sorry, but we're over.. and they travel back scene, she's in her own personally-decorated flat .. (across from Trattoria Mondello in London).. ..getting ready, and goes out (like on a date?) ..she's forlorn upon hearing children playing in a park nearby.. ..(seeing as she must have given hers up by now.. she thinks of them) ..then she gathers her composure, turns with head up, and walks briskly away.. the end it seems, this is much more than your average mid-life crisis.. that she definitely doesn't want to be married to him anymore.. ..'and' apparently doesn't want custody of the kids either..

..all actors are okay in their roles.. no big challenges, but satisfying work ..kinda interesting 100 minutes.. she's by far the best part of the film..

..most of this genre of films are about the man walking out on the family.. the young wife & mother.. not being able to cope any longer ..needs to 'escape' by herself.. and now awaits her new life

..hey.. it's the movies.. .
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