At least a decent sci fi
13 June 2018
I've seen plenty of high budget movies packed with action scenes in a future that makes no sense. This movie at least tries a bit to remain in science fiction more than fantasy and with an interesting take on it. Kind of like 2001 but yet a pretty different take.

I'd say I saw the plot twist coming a mile away, but still I welcome that they tried to end with some sort of a closing instead of just a bang. Some event didn't get properly clarified and I think that's the biggest miss for this type of movies as it must be a coherent universe, else it's fantasy.

Forgetting that part, there are still quite many unrealistic goofs: - hyper-telecomunication in opening scene before it got invented - the space shuttle in opening scene wouldn't keep a forward trust for 90 days and would have to reverse trust way before even approaching Mars, but in the movie it kept the thrust and didn't "break" - cell phones that look like 2016 - no human would let a "beta" AGI have so much power (unless... sorry can't say else it may spoil the movie)

Should you see it? If you like SciFi, you're likely going to find the topics on par with current thought experiments and you may enjoy it. A lot is actually in the not said but in what you guess as you watch it.
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