Would rate 0 if I could
12 June 2018
This film rips off Wreck It Ralph, Inside Out, and The Lego Movie. The story was boring, the jokes were unfunny, HI-5 was more annoying and obnoxious than funny, and it portrays teens as phone addicts who can't go 5 seconds without their phones, even in class. While I may also be a teen who spends a lot of her time online, I get off when I need to. The animation is good, but good animation cannot save a bad film from being bad.

"Oh, but Galán, you're just not part of the film's target audience!"

I know that, but I'm also not part of the target audience for the films it rips off (Well I was when they came out) and I still enjoy them. Sony cancelled the Popeye movie for this, and the Popeye movie looked like it had more effort put into it, it looked more promising. I luckily didn't have to pay to see it, but to the fellows who rated 1 star and had to pay, I'm sorry.

So the only things I liked were the animation, and that the teens looked like actual teens rather than twenty-something year olds (while they cast adults to play teens in live-action teen movies, I've seen some animation where the teens still look like adults).
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