Nifty retrospective document
11 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This 49-minute retrospective doc covers a lot of interesting and entertaining ground on the making of "The Meaning of Life." All the Monty Python members admit that they had a hard time coming up with a suitable follow-up to their previous film "Life of Brian." Among the things noted in this doc are that the budget was cited in a poem that Eric Idle wrote as a sales pitch(!) for the movie, Actors Equity complained that the Python members were playing too many parts and hence putting other actors out of work, the sketch with the puking fat guy almost didn't make it into the picture, the opening pirate sketch was originally going to be animated, and the film won a prize at Cannes. Plus all the Python members jokingly dodge answering the question on what exactly the meaning of life is. Done in a winningly breezy and irreverent manner, it's well worth seeing for fans of the film.
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