Indifferently written, acted and directed.
6 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Executive producer: Howard Hughes. Copyright 7 February 1954 by RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. New York opening at the Criterion: 26 February 1954. U.S. release: 15 February 1954. U.K. release: 6 July 1953 (sic). Australian release: 25 June 1953. 10 reels. 8,250 feet. 91 minutes.

U.K. and Australian release title: BEAUTIFUL BUT DANGEROUS.

COMMENT: A very minor bucolic romantic comedy, indifferently written, acted and directed. The scriptwriters had the germ of a promising comedy idea, but they fail to develop it satisfactorily. There are loose characters and loose plot ends all over the place and the film's grand roster of support players like Raymond Walburn, Edgar Buchanan and Wallace Ford have in fact very little footage whereas Mitchum and Simmons are literally swamped with dialogue.

Unfortunately, Mitchum doesb't rise to the bait and delivers his usual bored, off-handed portrayal. But at least he does give a performance of sorts. Jean Simmons, on the other hand, can make absolutely nothing of her part, which is understandable - the character is so ridiculously and unconvincingly conceived. Her hair style is unattractive too and her numerous close-ups make her look considerably less ravishing than the second female lead Sally Watson.

Bacon's direction can only be described as steadfastly unimaginative. George Amy's film editing rates as plodding and pedestrian as the direction (in fact the film could do with considerable trimming). Other credits are likewise routine and production values skimpy.
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