Review of START

The Americans: START (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Stunning, perfect. Thank you.
1 June 2018
Huge thanks to the actors, the writers and all those who worked on this show. Loved all the seasons of The Americans but sixth season and series finale brought the show on par or even on top of the most acclaimed spy novels ever written. Probably never enjoyed a TV series so much (and I'm a series junky) and this final episode was the emotional climax it deserved. Characters, story and storytelling remain consistent across all the seasons without ever falling to cheap "filler" episodes or idiotic and illogical decisions by the characters so the story can move on which many tv series, movies or even books often have to recur to. Top notch entertainment with meticulous historical period description and narration, dense with moral dilemmas it immerses the viewer in the hearth of the cold war leaving every kind of moral judgment to the viewer instead of forcing it on him. Again, THANKS ! FREE OLEG !
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