Dear White People: Volume 2: Chapter VIII (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
See Gabe and Sam Have a Tête-à-tête
28 May 2018
One of the great things about "Dear White People" is that it alternates the point of view between several of the characters on the series. As a result, we get to know the characters more deeply. "Chapter VIII" of the second season of the show is presented from the point of view of Gabe. In a lot of shows with a predominantly black cast, there's often a token white character thrown in for comic relief or to make a point about another character. In other cases, they are in the form of an authority figure who guides a group of people (like Ken Howard;s character in "The White Shadow"). Rarely are they fully developed characters that are on equal footing with the black characters in the series. "Chapter VIII" of the second volume of "Dear White People" is a notable exception. In this episode, which is written by Jack Moore, one of the show's producers, shows Gabe as a complex human being filled with contradictions. The focus of the episode is an interview that Gabe conducts with Sam for a documentary that he is directing on campus race relations. What ensues is a spirited debate between two equals, not a one sided discussion where the person on the "right side" of the issue routs the other. In the process, much is revealed about Gabe and Sam's complicated relationship as they discuss taboo subjects regarding race relations. I haven't heard dialog that crackles like this since the premiere episode of "House of Cards." As a result, I can't wait to see the final two episodes of the season. What a joy to watch!
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