Review of Trotsky

Trotsky (2017)
It tells more then it seems
27 May 2018
First let's address one point. The movie is not a reproduction of the events. It's not a documentary. It takes a lot of liberties when it comes to historical accuracy and the producers of the movie have stated that they have modified the plot to deliver a powerful message. Second, to understand the movie you need some knowledge of Russian history of the 20th century. It was made for the Russian public for whom it's their history. Without the history you will miss a lot of nuance which the movie is filled with. For example, many outside Russia have said that the series is racist and antisemitic, and it is so purposefully because that was the society back then. There were cases of "pogroms" - mobs of antisemitic people attacking Jewish communities. Antisemitism was rampant throughout Europe and not seen as something abhorrent as the lesson of ultra-nationalism came only after WWII. Now about the movie. After watching the series in Russian, re-watching it again and reading some reactions and articles about it I can say the movie did what it was supposed to do. Spark a conversation. Ardent socialists and communists (and I mean real socialists and communists, not social-democrats) took it as a slander piece to make Trotsky look bad by bad capitalist Russia. For westerners it seems to be hailing a bloody leader of the Russian Civil War and making a rock star out of him and here again the Russians fetishizing their Soviet past. It's neither. Hell, it's controversial series even in Russia. It shows what a revolution truly is. It's violent. It's not pretty. It's often led by fanatics and ends up costing lives, many lives. Is it worth the price? You decide. It wrestles with dilemmas about power and politics and does a good job. It doesn't give an answer and leaves you thinking. I won't deliver you what you should think of it, but it's definitely worth watching, though it asks from you some homework to do brushing up on your history of the 20th century. P.S. It gets an 8 because it delivers a powerful message but isn't particularly accurate in the historical detail. Still, get's the job done.
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