House M.D.: Son of Coma Guy (2006)
Season 3, Episode 7
The Worst House Episode period
17 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I typically don't write reviews, but given the fact I'm bored at this moment and annoyed with watching this episode, I decided to write a review while this crappy episode plays on.

My beef with this episode isn't really on House or any of main characters, as always they do an amazing job carrying the show forward. Even the "bad guy" cop played by David Morse is a welcomed addition to the drama surrounding this season. What made this episode so shallow and feel like a waste was a combination of poor directing, writing and acting for the character "Gabriel Wozniak" played by John Larroquette.

The episode started off great, up until the moment where they awaken the Dad from his 10 year coma. This is where I lost immediate interest in the episode, for starters you don't awaken from a coma, staring into a room of unknown people and not ask where you are, and what the date is, his first remark is I'm hungry and he then immediately starts making request for a sandwich. Secondly, who awakens from a coma completely clean shaved, while no beard of any kind grew during his 10 year slumber, and lets not talk about muscle atrophy barely happening after 10 years, highly unlikely. Thirdly, the father (Gabriel), at this point seems to only be concerned with himself, even though his son is upstairs dying, made worse by the fact they all take a pointless road trip, that leads to none of them accomplishing anything, including getting Grabriel his sandwich, which was the whole point, it's just three men agruing about things that are barely related. You have 1 day to live again and you waste it in such a selfish manner, not even seeing your son that's dying. It's not until the end where the father decides to sacrifice himself to save the son.

The acting by John Larroquette felt well below sub par, it didn't feel genuine or even semi- realistic. This was a poorly made episode with the only highlight being a cameo made by John Larroquette, that wasn't even worth the performance. He's always been a great actor back in the days but here he is just terrible. From the moment of his appreance, the quality of the show went straight down hill.
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