Torture to watch. Poor production and film. Sleep inducing. Topic is interesting, whichever political side one supports. Thank god for the fast forward button.
17 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a film. It's propaganda. If I was aware of that I would not have watched. The topic is interesting, whichever political side one supports. However, the interview documentary style is sleep inducing. There are some interesting points made here and there. But once you've fallen asleep you'll miss the non-thrills that this film presents.

I somehow made it to the 60-minute mark when I couldn't take it anymore and started using the fast forward button. I should have used it sooner. It's painful to watch. I thought torture was outlawed. All we have is a bunch of interviews, with the most boring garbage filler music added to the background. This is a freaking horror show.

Basic idea, abortion is outlawed in the USA, and it's a crime for the woman and whoever who helps her. So it centers around a woman and her mother who flew to Sweden for an abortion. When they came back to the US they are thrown in jail for the rest of their lives for murder. We have interviews with the woman, her mother, the jailer, the DA, a priest, some psychologists, some doctors, the woman's lawyer, her father, sister, grandmother, the freaking kitchen sink. Now if they added laugh tracks or loonie toons then it would be entertaining. But the only thing that was interesting was how and why abortion became illegal. That is interesting. And the only thing about this movie that was interesting. But the boredom of how it was made, that idea is lost.

The acting is garbage, even from well-known actors. It's all interviews, and they were probably just reading their parts. The background music was painful.

At the end we get an interview, I believe it was from a clinic in Sweden, where we find out that the woman had a miscarriage, so she did not abort her pregnancy. And the woman and her mother are released from prison. The DA says she will still file for attempted murder. This is all a nice little twist. However, again, the whole film is so damn boring and amateur that all participants, including the viewers, including myself should try to find some real talent in the world to wash away the garbage that is this film.

Rating F for effort.
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