Inconceivable (2017)
Terrible thriller is inconceivably bad
17 May 2018
Nicolas Cage is constantly berated for his acting, sometimes fairly, sometimes unfairly. In this one, he's playing a normal guy, not wild and crazy. While this may seem disappointing to some, he carries it off just fine. The problem with this movie is 100% with the terrible script.

I have no idea what the writer was thinking. A woman tracks down her donated eggs and embeds herself in the IVF parents lives. Just the concept is so ridiculous, it's hard not to laugh. Then add in the performance of Nicky Whelan, and the lines everybody has to deliver and it's an absolute garbage movie.

The worst part, though, is it's not bad enough to enjoy. It takes itself seriously, so there aren't even campy laughs. While watching I was thinking back to another Whelan/Cage movie, Left Behind. That was an awful, awful movie, BUT it was so bad that it was easy to laugh at . This doesn't even have that saving grace.

Stay far far away from this one. Even if you are a Nic Cage fan.
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