Unpleasant, unoriginal, and racist
17 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the reviews on here, and due to the absolute dearth of decent films on Netflix, I decided to give this one a go. And you know what? Those reviews are spot on..

The plot of this film has been done so many times before, and in almost every case done so much better. Couple alone in the back of beyond hunted by pyscopaths - Deliverance has a lot to answer for.

There is virtually no character development so, crucially one doesn't really feel connected to the hunted - it's just a pointless exercise in sadism.

The horror genre sadly has been twisted over the last few decades into an excuse simply to spill as much blood in the most gruesome of ways.

The premise for the attacks on the English couple who have made the worst mistake of their lives in moving to the wilds of Scotland to live a simpler life is that the locals don't want them there. Put bluntly, this film is racist and an insult to the people of Scotland (and in case your wondering, I'm an Englishman). The final scene in which the young boy is depicted in his Scotland football shirt whilst wearing a pig mask is particularly abhorrent. I deplore the writers and makers of this film for their insulting and obnoxious depiction of a fine country.

Finally, this film must have the worst and most unbelievable ending I have ever seen. Are we really supposed to believe that a group of men will hunt a couple of people all night through the woods; catch them, seriously injure them, then drive to and dump them in the middle of Manchester before driving back to Scotland to hold a barbecue in the couples house??!!

This film should be avoided at all costs!! Stuff the IMDb rating - I give it 0/10

Thanks for reading
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