A crime thriller with a great message
17 May 2018
In our everyday life, we take many decisions. Some are of great importance and some are casual, some may prove right while same may lead to a disaster. This movie gives you a understanding of such dilemma and the possible outcomes of the decision taken.

A cop equipped with a gun, faces an encounter with a local gangster after a very long chase. Not sure whether the man standing in front of him, whom he chased so long is the actual gangster he is looking for. And a prompt choice has to be made either to shoot and kill or try to persuade him to surrender. And the entire film is upon the thought process of the consequences of either of the choice made. But the biggest challenge is the given time which is just fraction of seconds.

Every course of action gives birth to a fresh new situation which might be favourable or may not be. But one who takes the decision should also have guts to face the consequences. Need of the time is the biggest factor that influences our decision making ability and the course of action. Whatever one feels right is the correct choice for the time being, no matter what the consequences are.

Human race has transformed from primitive man to a socialised and civilised man today. We might have chosen not to develop ourselves and save us from the natural disaster we have created today. But the call was to get upgraded and evolve ourselves with technological advancement, despite of knowing that we are planning our own end.

Living life itself is a big challenge. In the road of life, one has to choose amongst the available paths to move on. And with one's intellectual smartness choices are to be made and one has to struggle hard to keep up on the chosen road and make it to the destiny. Remember, you don't have your lifetime to make a choice!

Now, moving back to the film, you should watch it once. Plot is different, which is not commonly available in any Bollywood movie. The idea of the film is great but the execution was not up to the mark. But I really appreciate the efforts of the director for undertaking a project with such a unique concept!
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