So stupid yet so funny
14 May 2018
I have to be in a special mood to watch this, but it's one of those movies that I watch with my dad, and we end up holding our sides from laughter.

'Ernest goes to jail' is the only one of the Ernests that I can watch on a tolerating level. Although the more I've watched it with my dad, the more I've come to enjoy it. The movie is filled with quotable lines and memorable moments that just get funnier by the moment.

Hats of to Jim Varney. Even though this movie really doesn't take itself seriously, he puts on an incredible performance playing two difficult roles on opposite extremes. He nails both roles to perfection.

Maybe it's the family tradition that has made me warm up to this movie. Maybe it's the over-the-top drama or the quotable lines, but one thing is certain, it's never fails to make me laugh.
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