Fate (VI) (2016)
I Tried...I Really Tried
13 May 2018
I understand the limitations of low budget filmmaking, and I search actively for those efforts that rise above their constrictions, so - though difficult - I tried to get past the flat digital photography (where half the time you can't tell if it's supposed to be day or night) and the poor sound, poor sound effects and even worse sound mixing; let alone an amateurish score that works way too hard - sometimes the cues are almost painful (did the composer think this was a parody?). But with the addition of one dimensional, villainous government agents who repeatedly espouse exposition among themselves while all but twirling their mustaches (as the music dramatically screams "BAD GUYS!"); the uninspired, mediocre acting and the clichéd, clunky or overtly obvious dialogue where things are said because they were written, not because a human would say them in that situation (case in point; after a breakthrough in the creation of time travel a character exclaims with little enthusiasm "that's amazing" and then they go about their business as if there are no real ramifications to creating time travel) but all these negatives made it impossible to continue subjecting myself to the film. I'm sure the filmmakers meant well but they started with a script that reeks of having been written based on a screenwriting course as opposed to an understanding of complex human beings in complex situations. Note: If you are depicting highly intelligent people you can't just have them spew random info copied from a textbook and then have them behave as if they have no idea of the import of their own actions or their situations. I tried, I really tried, but I expect at least believable characters behaving in a believable manner to compensate for the deficiencies in cinematography, sound, and the particularly horrid production design. Maybe there was a good plot waiting to eventually show up, but I honestly couldn't suffer through more than forty minutes, so I couldn't tell you. And I have no faith that, even if there was, these filmmakers could have depicted it in a fashion worth watching.
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