Review of Chapter 14

Legion: Chapter 14 (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
Superb episode (maybe the best of the season so far)
10 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is the only episode where I couldn't follow the plot. Turns out all of these realities were created by David as he attempts to find one where both (and the key word is both) him and Amy are happy. If you examine each of the different realities, you'll realize none satisfy that criterion, hence him coming back to the end of episode 5. It seems like he ran through all these realities in the time that he got off the table running to the door. Here's a rundown of each of the realities David created: 1-He doesn't want Amy to take care of him for the rest of her life and him being a zombie unable to experience life fully and realize his full potential. 2- He doesn't want to live in a reality where he's either powerful yet a slave to the shadow king or that he's become the shadow king himself in pursuit of power. In either case, he's far gone to even care about the well being of Amy (by causing the nosebleed). 3- You might ask, how about the happy suburban life scenario, well, I'd argue he couldn't settle for it because it wasn't with Syd. 4- We weren't given a lot of information about the reality where he's homeless but the fact that he ends up getting chopped in half, being separated from Amy, not being able to be with Syd (he only got a gimlpse of her in a car) 5- We were also not given a lot of information about the scenario where David "was taken too soon" but again , it goes without saying that's another failed simulation of reality. Same goes for the trapped/bored in office and methhead scenarios. Overall, it was superb episode.
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