The 100: Sleeping Giants (2018)
Season 5, Episode 3
Shaping up to be the Best Season of the Series
9 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This season seems like I'm watching another TV show, the writing has improved drastically. There a lot of reasons this season is(in my opinion) the best in the series. But to me what this series lacked(espically in season one) was a villian, yes there was the grounders and the mountian men. But it never felt like there was one character we hated. However this season there's Charmaine(played beautifully by Ivana Milicevic) and I hope that she stays for a while becuase this series needs a strong villian to challange our protegenists. Even the hard-core fans have to admit that the "world is ending" story line was being overused. But now the series is digging down on it's roots; survival. I want to see more flashbacks(never thought I'd say that), as the relationship between Clarke and Maidi might be the backbone of this season.

Murphy staying behind was unexpected, he's the most underrated character in the show and I'm curious to see what capacity they use him in. When I started this series Jasper(R.I.P.) was my favorite becuase he was the comic-relief and Murphy is slowly starting to fill that void. I'm impressed with how the writers are focusing on one character at a time this season, I might be in the minorty but I think it's paying off. The only reason I'm praising this series so much is becuase it's rare for a show to improve so much as it progresses. Most of my favorite shows dropped in quality as they progressed. But if someone asks me what series has the best character devolpment, I might just point to this show. The only reason this show is not as acalaimed as other CW hits(Flash,Arrow) is becuase of how many people gave up on it when the series started and I don't blame them, but this isn't the same show it was when it aired. If they could have given it the chance I did, it would have been more then worth it. As this season would give any CW show a run for it's money, heck it might even put some major TV shows to shame.
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