Really strong storytelling, humour, and cast
9 May 2018
Like the original Lonesome Dove series, i'd say this one is about hardship, luck, and the diversity of characters that can fill up wild harsh times. The humour is really good and mostly revolves around the naivety of people in such dangerous unknown territory. The cast is the strongest thing about this series. I was expecting everyone to be attempting to fill in the traditional roles of a prequel (immitating the successful original's characters and mood) but this series has acting and characters that I've remembered for years after watching it as being all uniquely bizarre and also weirdly believable. The storytelling has a nice patience to it. It's a shame this isn't better known; I've read the original Lonesome Dove novel and loved it, and the same goes for the Robert Duvall Series (watch that first if u haven't already - it's really strong!), I enjoyed Return to lonesome Dove also but not as much as it gets a bit melodramatic and loses some of it's humour by that series. I've vaguely attempted to watch some of the other televised Lonesome Dove spinoffs/sequels (The Outlaw Years, namely) and couldn't get into them at all, rejecting them as crap pretty quickly. But Dead Man's Walk is a really nice thoughtful watch.
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