Angel: Fredless (2001)
Season 3, Episode 5
Family Reunion
8 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Fredless", Fred's parents come to town in search of their missing daughter. Upset by their presence, Fred attempts to run away and hide, perhaps start a new life. Fred is still coping with her 5 years in the alternate dimension. A down-in-the-dumps Lorne gives her bad advice. The gang and Fred's mom and dad search L.A. for her. She finally is reunited with her parents and is able to come to terms with her previous existence. After briefly considering going back to Texas with her family, Fred decides to stay and saves the day when a bunch of bug demons attack the hotel.

This episode's a bit of a snorefest. The characters of Fred's parents are nice enough but the story here is pretty barebones and doesn't always make sense. Did Fred really send a letter? Why did it take them 5 years to attempt to track her down? And why does she know about the crystals and the eggs?

Fred's big emotional breakdown at the bus station was extremely melodramatic. No one would overtly explain their internal emotions the way she does right there. This is an example of audience handholding from the writers. I hated it.

I'm glad that Fred is sticking around but this episode felt like a piece of filler.
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