Funniest and saddest
3 May 2018
The Misogynists is the funniest and saddest movie I have ever seen. It is amazing movie, a truly insightful depiction of the human. The characters show how we are all racists, misogynists, xenophobes, religious believers, all in an effort to hide our fears. There is no agenda. Probably not an easy movie to watch if you think you are right. I thought of this movie as a work of art, where even the artist is unaware of how much truth is in the painting. The director/writer (Onur Tukel) wrote what he saw as true, he followed his creative spirit, thus the audience can find their own truth. The ranting of each character is fueled by drugs, sex, money, or a need be with others/or force others to believe as you; proselytizing coming from uncertainty rather than surety. More and louder leads to a crash and burn. Eventually the lead character (Dylan Baker) is left with one word, and a desire to die. How can any of this end? Only with the end of the world. Dylan Baker is fabulous, he holds nothing back. I cried at how ridiculously wonderful humans are, and laughed at the disguised fear, a world wind of emotions. I would think Dylan Baker's performance is Oscar worthy, but really wonder who will want to see this film much less nominate it? That reminds me of Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream. Also I am reminded of and Richard Linklater's Tape, three characters in a motel room. The dialog is fast paced, Mamet like, and so very funny. Wish I was a better writer to convince you to see this film with an open heart and mind, but hey that is just my opinion.
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