Average film, poor script, but a brilliant idea showing misuse of social media and teenage obsession
3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit at first that the film is average, has a poor script with several loopholes in direction. I am also surprized that the movie is very unpopular. I could not find much information about the film on google and imdb or even on wikipedia. It seems producers have not worked much on the publicity and promotion of the film. Its been more than 30 months since the release of the film and youtube trailer has hardly 34k views and 12 comments as of today (3 May, 2018).

Film is about a group of teenage friends who are regular viners, post their videos on internet with a hope of becoming popular. Main characters are Balthazar, Reese, Marc, Julia, and Julia's cousin Ty. Other chief characters are Detective Dalton, his staff of investigators including IT experts and a Psychologist.

Balthazar is an obsessed guy who is always carrying a camera with hopes of getting a chance to make a video which can fetch him 1 million views/likes. He is taking medicines for anxiety and anger. His friend Reese is in love with Julia who came close with intent to make videos together. Both are popular tubers and people like them for what they post. However, Balthazar is submissive and socially awkward and is jealous of this couple.

The movie begins when Marc and Ty are found dead and a team of investigators take Balthazar into custody for interrogation. He seems scared and confused to the psychologist but deceptive to Detective Dalton from the beginning. One of the reasons Dalton is suspecting Balthazar to be chief suspect because of his obsession with making videos. She has a teenage daughter who makes fitness videos in bikini to become popular and Dalton is upset by that. So probably she is taking out her anger at Bal when she suspects him without any evidence. But Balthazar too lies on several occasions and changes his version of the whole incident when he is scared. At these times, psychologist comes to his rescue. The film revolves around finding proof from a prime piece of evidence in the form of a memory card which has true version of what happened that night, filmed by Balthazar. The detectives have to see how much Balthazar is speaking the truth and whether there is something more to the story. To the viewer's surprize, the film takes a horrifying turn when the truth is finally revealed from the memory card video. The film is superb in what it intends to show and no other film matches to it so far. It depicts the reality of today's youth and their craze for becoming popular through posting online content, to whichever extreme they can get. Most of these teenagers in the film are shown disturbed, lack family connection and are lonely. They take decisions which are misinformed and risky. They don't understand the consequences of their behaviors and interests. While leaving police custody, when the psychologist Emerson suggests Balthazar to stop making videos and go for participatory activities in real social world, Balthazar seems totally ignorant of the message in his words and tells him that now he is going to make the video that deserves 1 million views. Psychologist supported Balthazar throughout the film with a hope of giving him warmth and understand his condition, but all went to waste as Bal was so occupied with his upcoming popularity. Bal seems to have no awareness of what harm this video craze has done to him and brought his friends in a trouble. This scenario can be found in everyday life too where parents and mental health experts struggle to make kids understand the consequences of their risky actions and unfortunately the hormonal rush of adolescence makes this difficult to achieve. The movie shows very closely the delicate make-up of the teenage mind and how things can go wrong if parents don't pay much attention and do not connect with them emotionally.

The movie is a must watch for parents, teenagers and adults, teachers and mental health experts. This film needs to be given its credit for showing a sensitive issue that demands high attention.
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