29 April 2018
So I'm not going to review infinity war into great detail, since as I'm writing this there's over 850 reviews, in a span of the movie being out for only 3 days, but I will say I'm a huge MARVEL fan. Bigger than you believe. The movie was near perfect. Probably ranked in my top 3 favorite comic book movies of all time. It was an emotional roller coaster, and it made me cry. And that's saying something since Logan didn't even make me cry. The visuals are amazing, The Black Order was amazing, one of the best part of the film. It's also crazy how much character development Thanos had in one film. The Russo brothers actually made me love him. And to conclude my review, I walked into the theater paying 20$ and walked out having to pay 300$ a week. If someone can send me Marvel's address and everything so I can bill them for my therapy sessions that would be great :) one more thing I would like everyone to stand 2 minutes in silence for our fallen cinematic universe; The DCEU, may they rest in peace.
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