Deadpool & Black Panther The Gauntlet: Dire
28 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Sequel to the 2014 Marvel fan film Deadpool and the Black Panther we now see Wade Wilson kidnapped and forced into a fighting tournament.

Once again everything looks cheap and nasty, the fight sequences are so poor its almost as if they are played out in slow motion and the humour is pitiful.

To its credit the comedy (And I use that term loosely) isn't as awful as the first film, but if you expect any laughs you'll feel somewhat let down.

With a couple of other Marvel character cameos you might find something redeemable but sadly I didn't. Not, even, close!

The Good:


The Bad:

Ethnicity change

Simply not funny

Deadpools outfit is badly flawed

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I want the creators to stop making movies so badly it's making by nuts rattle
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