Iron Fist: Snow Gives Way (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Disappointing Entry in the Marvel Universe
24 April 2018
Let me start by saying, I don't hate this series. Obviously, there are serious problems starting with the miscasting of the lead (Lewis Tan would have been a much better choice) & a lack of coherent storyline. Finn Jones is a good actor and might have worked in another role but, doesn't seem to be able to move past the snotty, rich kid aspect of his character. And the scripts don't give him much to work with. Rather than building his character, they focus on twists & shockers designed to make the audience gasp, and that might have been the case if the twists were original. That said, there's a lot to like about the series. Jessica Henwick is very good as Coleen Wing, the supporting cast is quite up to the task, with guest shows from other Marvel supporting players scattered throughout the 13 episodes. David Wenham is particularly good (and should be a front runner for any eventual Donald Trump biopic). Most of the fight scenes are quite good although you don't really get many until a few episodes in. The main problem appears to be with the source material itself. I admit, I never read the original comic book series so, I lack familiarity. However, keeping that in mind, this story should have been engaging and fresh for me. Instead, it was often unfocused and strayed into borrowed tropes far too many times to keep me fully engaged. However, it does add some necessary pieces to the overall Defenders storyline to come and is essential, if not always entertaining viewing in the full series. Again, I'm not saying I hate the show, I just wish I could have really liked it.
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