A near miss!
14 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed all the scenes with Yul Brynner. He has a characteristic role which he plays as if to the Cossack captain born. Unfortunately, with the exception of the charming Jane Birkin, the other players are much less successful at gaining audience sympathy and confidence.

The sad fact is that despite his lead billing, Brynner's role is actually a supporting one. Never mind, he does have at least one unforgettable moment when at the Czar's birthday celebrations he presents his father's watch to the local winner of the riding contest. Newcomer Oliver Tobias, a rather callow youth, whose riding skills are obviously doubled, is that rather unlikely winner.

Beautifully photographed and expensively mounted though the picture itself is, it fails - whether through indifferent acting, slack direction or a poorly focused script - to completely grip an audience's attention.

As entertainment, despite its virtues of color, exotic if slummy setting, interesting players like Birkin and Brynner, Romance of a Horse Thief must be counted a near miss.
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