Supergirl: Welcome to Earth (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
Too Much Politics
11 April 2018
This was the episode of Supergirl that made me cancel it off my DVR schedule. I don't like getting beat over the head by politics in shows, particularly when handled so dishonestly. I started watching it again on Netflix because I was hoping this episode might be an aberration (it generally was).

Lynda Carter still looks great, but she turned in a performance here so poor, it's difficult to explain. Her lines were read like she was having trouble seeing the cue cards.

On a positive note, the action in Supergirl is really well handled - brisk and violent - and Melissa is fabulous as always. Lena Luthor is a welcome addition to the show and mesmerizes in every scene she's in. Easily reason enough to keep watching. It's almost like they added her when they figured out Lynda Carter couldn't cut it.
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