Review of Worth

The Walking Dead: Worth (2018)
Season 8, Episode 15
Don't understand
11 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found out that Simon was killed so I had to watch even though I promised to wait for the DVD so I didn't have to sit through the hundreds of commercials.

Anyway, a few thing I do not understand.

Simon wants to take over. I get that. He disagrees with Negan. Rather than pull people aside discreetly, he hosts a town hall meeting in the middle of the back yard in mid day. Apparently that was not the way to go.

Eugene is given the task of building bullets. I get that. Most bullet manufacturers are out of business and Walmart is not open...that whole zombie thing. Negan appoints Eugene as bullet maker. As important a job as it is, there are a whopping 6 people sitting around the table, ONE OF THEM BLIND trying to make bullets. Eugene steps outside and the two lookouts guarding everything are killed and Eugene is captured. Now, I get staffing cutbacks. Minimum wages are going up and budgets must be met so he may want to skimp on the help. But while we have 6 people including a blind guy making all your bullets, we have 80 guys standing around watching Negan and Simon bare knuckle each other. 6 guys to make your weapons under no guard, 80 guys to stand around watching Apollo and Rocky. Apparently that was not the way to go.

Arron, or whatever his name is, was rolling around in the mud trying to get the ocean side group (remember them??) to join the battle. They had the same dramatic non committal pause this week as they've had the last two seasons. Next week is season finale so I guess they'll show up? Maybe on white horses like last year's battle. Blast some trumpets on the way in. Da da da da...charge!. Apparently that will be the way to go.

Dwight gives Gregory the map to bring to Hilltop. When push comes to shove and when your back is against the wall, we all know that Gregory is the guy you want to turn to. Who of us would not pick Gregory to make that run? The character just instils confidence. Seriously Dwight, staple the map to a walkers forehead and send him out. Now in all fairness, he made the trip but wait, as Admiral Ackbar would say; IT'S A TRAP!

Finally Simon and Negan fight to the death. In Season 7-1 Negan says, "get a right hand man otherwise you have a whole lot of work" Simon, lasts 45 seconds. Lucille would have ended it in 15 seconds. Apparently Negan is not so concerned with work. He killed the only character on the show worth watching.
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