10 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Please take review titled "Embarrassing" with a pinch of salt. Though entitled to their opinion I believe they have completely missed the point. David Letterman clearly has such an extreme admiration for Malala that he chose to interview her. He was interviewing Obama the other day. At the same time he is providing a platform to raise awareness of her cause to a different type of audience that would have ordinarily remained oblivious. There were times when the interview may have seemed stilted but I don't believe it was due to him being condescending. So he asked the Mets/Yankee questions - so what! I'm a Brit and sorry I didn't have a clue either - but I didn't it was highly offensive and I learnt something. At no time did I sense that Malala was not true to herself. She knows how to stand her ground. A beautiful, proud, young lady. A survivor. A courageous woman who is focused and passionate about her cause. What I did sense was that David was in absolute awe of her and was trying to find ways to connect with her during the interview. He kept referring to his 14 year old son as if he was making comparisons. This woman was shot in the face at 15 and survived. What did not kill her evidently made her so much stronger. It was a great interview.
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