Review of Worth

The Walking Dead: Worth (2018)
Season 8, Episode 15
TWD's heyday is long gone
9 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Gosh it's really painful nowadays to watch this show without complaining about the boring, predictable, slow and dumb writing.

How could there be only 2 saviors guarding outside the bullet factory while it's their most important outpost now? Rosita and Daryl's easily capturing Eugene makes the Saviors look like a bunch of careless idiots. But even worse than that, these two letting Eugene escape (and we have Daryl, an expert in tracking?) makes them dumber characters.

And then we have Simon, who gathers all of the Saviors who want to overthrow Negan in the backyard. Wow such a smart choice of place to discuss backstabbing plan, as if no one won't happen to walk by and hear all about that? Simon died because no one who is as idiotic as him should become a leader.

And then we have Gregory leaving the arena fight, accompanied by Dwight, without being seen by a single one savior? Really? And then Aaron convinces Oceanside to join the war by...doing nothing? What exactly has he done to earn that? We have been waiting since the last time we saw him in ep 10 just for this implausible bullshit?

And don't think that the whole Laura thing would surprise us, we would have predicted that 200 years ago that she was the one Negan drove home. Predictable af, even that fake plan that Negan makes up for Dwight to deliever is predictable too.

There are a lot of terrible things that I can say about this episode but I'm too bored to write more. All of TWD characters, both new and old ones, even those who used to be interesting have become bland now. The only one I care if he dies now is Dwight. Thank God this boring war will end next week and Fear The Walking Dead will come back to wipe this boredom away.
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