Review of Worth

The Walking Dead: Worth (2018)
Season 8, Episode 15
Do the writers literally want to kill this show?
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Literally nothing made sense in this once again, horrible episode of The walking dead. Sure, lets kill the only actor that actually was the only reason to watch this show off, Steven Ogg A.K.A Simon! Brilliant idea writers! My god this is pathetic. Also why keep Dwight as a prisoner and not just kill him as well? Simon wanted to get rid of everybody that were a threat for the saviors to keep them save. Seems like a good reason to put him in a cell but they kill him of because he wanted savety for the saviors? And the guy that literally betrayed the saviors gets only jailtime? My god that is some terrible writing right there. Dwight is the reason why all of there outposts have been wiped out. But no, he only gets jailtime... This might be one of the worst written episodes ever in the history of telivision. Shame on you writers! If you didn't have such a huge amount of braindead fans that will litteraly accept anything on this show, bad writing or good writing then this show would have already been dead after season 6.

-5/10 for this horrible episode!
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