Review of Sheena

Sheena (2000–2002)
The bad reviews indicate ignorance on the reviewers parts.
8 April 2018
This show is from a COMIC BOOK! Do these harsh reviewers ever say Marvel or DC inspired action movies are bad? The acting in those movies are stale without the action and special effects and costumes. All comic book characters are different from real acting because mostly, it's about being accurate to comic book characters. The ONLY times I saw Deep acting by comic book characters was with Toby McGuire with spider man, and Christopher nolan's Trilogy of Batman. Aside from those, I don't see great acting in comic inspired projects. This show is Great for what it is, and it's time. People saying Gena Lee nolin's Acting is bad fail to comprehend the style of comic genre. It's not about acting. She's actually doing a good job as the character, an African Native with minimal education, but very athletic and animalistic. Her ability is to transform into animals. If her character were to be a scientist or in depth thinking philosopher, you'd see her act as those. But she's playing an African native who only knows the jungle and nature. It seems the bad reviewers failed to understand this aspect, but think all shows and films should only portray geniuses who have deep empathy with everything, rather than at other aspects. The show is a show from early 2000's. It matches the same quality as every other show from that period, but it has a compelling aspect of a few. Beautiful Lady who is super strong, and can transform into animals. That's compelling. Fools are saying Gena Lee nolin's acting is so bad, but when did a comic book character ever get an academy award(aside from heath Ledger posthumously)? Comic book projects don't garner acting awards. It's about being true to the comic book characters. That doesn't always translate as great acting to trivial thinking people, but it's the purpose of the project. Bad reviewers seldom seem to understand basic genre characteristics. I love the show, and Yes, Its very Easy to Love Sheena and Gena Lee Nolin! WOW!
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