0/10 Review (If I could give that low a rating)
5 April 2018
Everything about this film is wrong. The editing stands out among other bad films as abysmal. The acting is bad. The story is bad. The special effects are terrible. Nothing goes well for this film.

Acting and dialogue: Most of the time when the two main characters are conversing, it cuts back and forth between static shots of them facing the camera while in front of a green screen. The delivery of these lines is average at best, and the dialogue is often boring and repetitive. The general impression these scenes leaves is that they were written purely to pad the run-time.

Editing: This is by far the worst aspect of the film. Shots start earlier than they're meant to, or go on for far too long while absolutely nothing happens. Again, it feels like the director was desperate to pad the run-time. There are some cuts between scenes that feel like five minutes of the film have just been omitted. Occasionally there's a scene that wasn't in front of a green-screen, and the colour balance is noticeably wrong.

Special effects: Technically this is also under editing, but this deserves a paragraph of its own. Almost any scene involving actors takes place in front of a green-screen. This can work if done correctly, but not when the background is a basic 3D computer model, or a picture the director took with his camera while out hiking. Some of the time it's 100% obvious there is nowhere that the actors could be standing in front of the given backdrop. There are also moments where a reflective surface either disappears, or reflects the wrong pattern, because it was reflecting green during the shoot, so just had the background plastered over it. Aside from the green-screen issues, this film also makes far too much use of CGI, considering they clearly had no one who could competently use 3D animation. There are numerous untextured shapes lazily slapped onto the flat backgrounds throughout this film.

Plot: The plot is directionless. It's just a series of events that don't go anywhere, then as soon as something interesting might start to happen, the editor simply wipes that scene out of existence. It feels like when writing this film, lots of people yelled out ideas for a plot, but instead of choosing one idea and developing it, they just stitched together the build-ups to those ideas and called it a 'script'.

Honestly, this is about as poor a film as you can get, without going full "Fun In Balloon Land". The goofs section for this film might as well be the entire script, or a link to the film on-line.
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