A Middling Attempt at "Neo-Noir"
3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Sestero gives a nice performance as a homeless drifter - all wounded eyes and thousand-yard stares. He's less convincing as a conniving crook. Tommy is Tommy. If you love him for his eccentricities, there's plenty on display here. Same for the dialogue, which is pretty flat except when Tommy and Greg banter, which shows off their chemistry. The plot has been done a million times - love, betrayal but it does have a modern twist. I think the goal was "neo-noir" but the film doesn't quite get there. Too much style over substance - too many drone shots, unnecessary slo-mo shots, etc. Filming L.A. and Las Vegas at night doesn't automatically equal noir. The director should have concentrated on dialogue and performance more than showy shots. I will say that the climax of the film provided more tension than I ever would have thought possible from a Wiseau/Sestero film. I'm looking forward to Part 2, in spite of myself.
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