Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017 Video Game)
Loved It
2 April 2018
Greetings from Lithuania.

After spending around 80 hours in "Mass Effect: Andromeda" (2017) and still looking forward to play for around 3 more just to finish all "alliances" quests i can safely say - i love this game.

Seriously, i picked it up just recently on PS4 with huge discount. I bought it for around 8$, but because of overwhelming dislike for this game i read i thought i won't lose much. Safe to say that it exceeded my expectation.

I highly enjoyed the story here. It is surprisingly involving tale about "Pathfinder" and finding a new home for humanity. That some very good sci-fi in here. As the one who played, finished and loved first 3 games (2nd one is my favorite still), i liked how creators moved in a different direction in this game.

This game is huge, and i mean huge. There tons upon tons upon tons of activities in here. And while planets exploration "from above and mining of them" isn't as involving as in previous 2 games, this one does an OK job. Graphics aren't that great, but game does look solid. I did encounter couple of crashes, but nothing that bad as i read before.

Overall, "Mass Effect: Andromeda" (2017) isn't the most polished game out there to say the least, but it does a great job of "hocking" you into this world. Great story, amazing game play (combat system is phenomenal), some touching moments here and there and that stunning opening of the game when you crash land on that first planet (won't spoil further) makes "Andromeda" a must play for those who love great open world / RPG games. Loved it.
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