Review of Hickey

Hickey (2016)
Average Love Story
2 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The opening credits were inventive. I enjoyed them with the rock song played over them. Hickey is a simple film, a sort of bridge of the teen comedy genre, about a boy who likes a girl. To be more succinct: a nerdy just got accepted to MIT boy in love with the girl next door who wants to be a famous singer some day. Hickey is the unwanted nickname of Ryan Chess (tv series, "Chuggington"), the store he and the girl he has a crush on works at is being shutdown. To get the girl (so she doesn't leave) he needs to save the store from closing.

I watched this film primarily because of Tiny Lister, though his role as security guard wasn't that huge. There's some funny scenes but mainly it's a drama rather than a comedy if looking at the whole. I mean, the film likes to paint this about a boy liking a girl, and that's there but it's actually more about a boy not wanting to leave his newly divorced mother and go all the way across the country to college, and how this incredibly intelligent guy lets his emotions rule his life. It should be a balance of the two rather than one being more prominent than the other, in my opinion.

Overall, it's an okay film. It's not great but it's not too bad, either. There are funny moments, sweet moments, dramatic etc., and while, as a whole, it could have been better, it's just an average film with an average story. Nothing wrong with that.
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