Chuck delivers a decent sequel.
31 March 2018
This was a pretty good sequel to the first in some ways it's better it delivered more action.

Like the first I don't remember much because I have not seen it very often so I'm fuzzy on details so please bare with me. The story from what I remember was I think it involved the DEA trying to track down Cota, a ruthless drug cartel boss from Colombia who kills some DEA agents so Delta Force is called in to help then Chuck's partner's family is murdered by Cota, then his partner and him capture Cota, his is put on trail, he gets off, bribed judge then returns to Colombia and Chuck and his partner go after him. (Hope that was helpful)?

The action scenes are awesome, Chuck fights bad guys left and right in this, especially at Cota's mansion which is the best but I don't want to spoil it.

Overall a decent sequel to the first that offered some different and it delivered, which is very rare. I give it a 5/10. It's fun. Very watchable and I recommend it.
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