Not anywhere near as bad as these Transformer fans say.
28 March 2018
Anyone that gives this movie 1 star in my opinion is an absolute fool. If people actually researched movies rather than just watch them, it might help this title. Most of the 1-3 star reviews are all crying about the horrible CGI.

THIS IS A LOW BUDGET MOVIE...WTF DO YOU EXPECT? As soon as i seen Mario Van Peebles was the director i instantly knew this would not be a AAA title.

I think this movie cops so much flak because half of the people reviewing it expect it to be transformers or a top notch CGI filled shark fest.

Just because Nick Cage stars in a movie, does not mean is a big budget movie. I'm kinda neutral when it comes to Cage, but i thought he honestly done a good job. He was given a role and he played that role like you would expect him to.

The story is pretty factually correct. Typical American government willing to sacrifice their own people with the purpose of hiding the damning truth.

If you're interested in the story and don't need your typical AAA CGI effects. This is a pretty decent movie and well worth the watch. Sure it's not a masterpiece, but it's certainly worth more than the 1-3 stars a lot of CGI idiots gave it.

For the budget these guys worked on, it was pretty decent. There are like 2-3 scenes in the entire movie that have horrible CGI and all of them were when sharks were leaping out of the water to attack. I got over it, i knew the budget & therefore it did not worry me.

People on this site really need to grow and learn how to review titles based on their merit. You cannot compare low budget movies with likes of the hobbit, which got a rating of 8 stars. Consider if you have read the book of the hobbit, how horribly they replaced the real story for a pathetic elf/dwarf love story with CGI going through the roof. Anyone who had read the books would not rate the movies more than 6-7 out of 10. Why does it sit at 8 or above? Because of all the stupid CGI addicts, that think CGI is preferable to a good story.

When rating a movie, please, please use your brains. Allow for a low budget or if low budget is not your thing. Just do not watch it or review it please. You guys are ruining reviews for the rest of us.

Focus should always be on A. The budget. B. The Story C. Music/Atmosphere D. Acting E. CGI

There are more aspects, but for now all you scrubs please stick to these 5 points. NOT just CGI..

This was a pretty good movie for the budget. Comparing it to Pearl Harbor really reflects the stupidity of some people reviewing the movie.

I knew it was a B grade movie and it was 7/10 for a B grade movie in my opinion.
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