The Real Ghostbusters: Xmas Marks the Spot (1986)
Season 1, Episode 13
Ghostbusters save Christmas
28 March 2018
This episode is my ninth favorate episode and it's one of my favorite episodes based on Christmas.

The episode I thought was a really cool idea, what if Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" was based on a true story and the Ghostbusters actually had the opportunity to encounter all three ghosts from the story.

We see the Ghostbusters mistakenly saving Scrooge not realizing that they've inadvertently destroyed Christmas in the process , instead of "A Christmas Carol" becoming a timeless tale we know and love we get a different book which is a tasteless tale that has influenced and inspired all the wrong things and feelings of what Christmas is all about.

What I really like about the episode is seeing the Ghostbusters taking action in saving Christmas. From Egon's adventures in the zone where they store the ghosts to find the three spirits they captures, it really was cool getting a glimpse of what the containment field looked like.

However the other highlight was seeing Peter, Ray, and Winston act out the parts of the spirits and trying to get Scrooge on the right track by their own mortal means they possess. It was really funny when Peter slapped on a 3D Viewmaster on Scrooge and then rode him on a wheelchair giving him the illusion he's flying into his past, yeah it's low tech and cheap but hey whatever works.

But this episode to me is really a love letter to "A Christmas Carol" reminding us how timeless and influencial it is and it's importance today.

Rating: 4 stars
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