Cold Moon (2016)
Should'a Stuck To Comedy
26 March 2018
The writer wrote Beetlejuice and Nightmare Before Christmas? He also wrote "Halloween Candy," probably one of the creepiest Tales of the Darkside--and certainly my favorite. Maybe he didn't fail here. Maybe it was the director. In any case, the accents for Northwest Florida are all wrong. Why does Hollywood insist on making all Southerners sound like Antebellum Georgians? This could have been a good film, if it had been a comedy. Instead, it's a mish-mosh of really good CGI and really bad acting and dialogue. The characters are, for the most part, two-dimensional comic book people. Smartass rich Southern gentleman, bumbling bought-out small town sheriff, ditzy high school cheerleader (played by a woman far older than 16 or 17), and a grandmother who is no more from the Pensacola area of NW FLA than she is from New Jersey. And the men's haircuts for 1989, when the film is set: all wrong. In that part of the country in that year the men still wore their hair parted down the middle and feathered back on the sides. And if they were a lot older, they might have had WW II military haircuts, that is if they could find barbers in the 80s who still knew how to cut that style (I was a barber in Pensacola just two years before that.) The kid that assists in the crimes would have either had really long hair pulled back in a ponytail (the trend in '89) or the previously described 1970s cut. Anyway, this movie is a disaster overall, so don't waste your time.
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