The Paper Chase: Free Advice (1985)
Season 3, Episode 3
Tom Ford is in deep trouble...and Franklin seems to be enjoying it.
26 March 2018
The first two episodes of season 3 of "The Paper Chase" had a lot going on in them--several different parallel stories. However, with "Free Advice" there is just one plot and it involves sibling rivalry.

At the beginning of the episode, Tom Ford is alone at his brother and Hart's apartment. Eddie (John Goodman) knocks on the door....he's upset at the condition of his apartment and the landlord is raising his rent on top of anything. While this obviously is NOT a lawyer-client meeting, Tom stupidly remarks that it was him, he'd stop paying rent.

Some time later, Eddie's been tossed out of his apartment--and he blames Tom. While the state Bar Association doesn't think there's a case, an irresponsible assistant DA decides to prosecute...and Golden defends Tom. Oddly, however, Franklin does nothing....and seems to enjoy seeing his brother in trouble. Can this sick sibling rivalry been worked out somehow?

This episode is a must-see for people who have problems with a sibling...but it still is worth seeing and entertaining throughout.
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