Camp Hell (2010)
When did sin enter your life?
25 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jesse Eisenberg does appear in the movie, but not for long. The movie seems to confuse Christian denominational theology. Traditional Catholics do not believe in "end-time" signs and prophecy. While they do believe in purgatory, they are not that big into it as they used to be. Tommy is connected to a demon, but we aren't sure how and why. There are a bunch of kids at Christian summer camp which is comical as a comic book is torn up and a Journey CD is the instrument of the devil. Tommy keeps asking the question, "If God is in control why is there a devil?" The priest asks Tommy, "When did you let sin into your life?" Of course masturbation is one of Tommy's "gateway" sins. Who knows where it might lead...

The sex scene consists of two teens (one a 16 year old virgin "harlot") dry humping in the dark.

I will say I was confused by the ending and the message of the movie. Is this an atheist movie or a movie whose message is that Satan uses long drawn out conversions to create atheists by manifesting himself as a demon? Does the movie really mean to say Steve Perry is a demon seed, or makes fun of those who do?

As a serious Christian movie, I would give it one star. As a movie that makes fun of Christians...maybe 2 stars.

No nudity, or gosh darn swearing. Dry humping, references to rock group "Journey" and Spawn comic book. Kids almost eating jelly beans. What I really can't believe is the "R" rating. As Sara might tweet, "WTF?"
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