Party of Five (1994–2000)
Barley Acceptable
24 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For starters I think this show is overrated. It is just good enough to keep you watching, but at times I think it is a tad slow.

The characters especially Charley especially Charley are all kind of worthless, Charley the older brother and the one "in charge" gets worse and worse every season. He constantly makes stupid mistakes and he's always crying and whining about everything, the younger siblings are better then he is, yeah Claudia and Owen are annoying and Julia is pretty worthless too, but Charley takes the cake by the time 1998-1999 came around Charley should have been able to show more leadership and better leadership he would have been in his late 20's, but no I don't know why, but you can bet that if Charley made the decision it would be the wrong decision. What ticks me off so much about Charley is he never bothered to listen to the other characters. Bailey while a little bit of a dope, is much more competent and more prone to listening to things then Charley.

I just can't stand the character Charley he's just the worse at first I felt bad for him, but the deeper you get into the series you can tell he's just a fool.

The only two characters who are worth there salt are Griffin and Sarah. I didn't like Griffin at first, but he's a harder and better worker and more reasonable and makes more sense then Charley.

The show over all I think is kind of slow at times and certainly bottoms out a little here and there. However they do keep it going just enough to keep interest. However there have been times where I wonder how this show made it, because frankly the characters are not all that likeable, and after a while there hard to care for.
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