Average Italian Road Warrior Ripoff
17 March 2018
When I was around twelve years-old, and VHS still reined in video stores, a friend of mine told me about this movie. In particular, he mentioned the scene where a villainous used spike gloves to rip open a man's throat. That seemed pretty depraved to my twelve year-old brain. Unfortunately, my parents were not as liberally minded as my friend's parents, so I was not allowed to rent Exterminators of the Year 3000.

It has taken me decades, but I have finally seen Exterminators of the Year 3000. It is a shame that I was not allowed to watch it at twelve because I would have liked the film much more back then. Then, I would have thought that "Alien" was a cool name for a hero, and "Crazy Bull" was perfect for a villain. I also would have found the film's moderate violence hard edged. Now, I am like "seen it."

Exterminators of the Year 3000 is an average Italian made ripoff of The Road Warrior. In The Road Warrior everyone fought over oil; here it is drinkable water. In The Road Warrior a kid threw a deadly boomerang; here the kid has a robotic arm and throws rocks so fast that they kill. And, yes, the villain does ride a hood at the climax (a car though, not a truck). This film fails to stand out in any significant way. It is just there. Fans of Road Warrior rip-offs might get some chuckles from it, but most viewers are just going to shrug their shoulders when Exterminators of the Year 3000 ends. By the way, the title is inaccurate. It refers to Crazy Bull's car that Alien has stolen, but there is only one car (not plural).
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